Lapis Lazuli vs. Sodalite: The Difference Explained


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

There are a lot of stones and crystals that are very similar and often mistaken for one another. A common duo is Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite. These two stones are stunning blue and represent the Throat Chakra and The Third eye. While they are very similar in many ways, they also have differences. Learning the differences is key to helping you determine which stone is most beneficial to you in your spiritual practice or everyday life.

This guide will help create clarity when it comes to the differences and the similarities of Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite. You may decide that using them together will help you achieve transcendence if that is your goal or that using them separately will be more beneficial.

Lapis Lazuli vs. Sodalite: What’s the difference?

While Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite are very similar and can complement each other beautifully in a spiritual practice, it is good to know the differences between the two stones. Here are three physical properties that set these two stones apart.

Chemical Composition

The chemical makeup is very different for these two stones. Sometimes Lapis Lazuli contains Sodalite, but Lapis Lazuli always consists of sodium, copper, calcium, oxygen, and aluminum. In comparison, Sodalite consists of aluminum silicate, chlorine, and sulfur.


While not common, but not unheard of, Sodalite can be transparent, while Lapis Lazuli is always opaque.


Lapis Lazuli contains gold flecks that are made of pyrite. In comparison, the streaking in Sodalite is white.

Lapis Lazuli healing properties and benefits

Lapis Lazuli has many benefits when it comes to the physical body. It is effective for soothing a sore throat, taming inflammation, improving thyroid function, reducing insomnia, overcoming depression, helping with vertigo, and even boosting the immune system.

This beautiful blue stone can also help you increase self-awareness, boost your confidence, and cultivate peace and harmony in your life. Lapis Lazuli activates your throat Chakra, helping you find your voice, speak your truth, and allowing you to find the right words to verbalize your needs.

This gorgeous bluestone can also help activate the Third Eye, creating space to connect with your higher self. You will also gain access to your inner truth and learn about yourself on a deep level that you may have never recognized in the past.

Finally, using Lapis Lazuli will allow you to meet yourself without judgment or fear and help to work through any negativity that you may hold within.

Sodalite healing properties and benefits

Sodalite is also known as the stone of truth and can help to enhance the connection between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.

Using Sodalite during shadow work is excellent for drawing out negative traits that you don’t like about yourself and looking at them without judgment, giving you space to be truthful with yourself.

Encouraging you to release these negative feelings like fear, anger, phobias, guilt, control problems, and negative thoughts, to make space within yourself for peace, self-acceptance, and self-trust to embrace who you are in your most authentic form.

Sodalite also has many benefits for the physical body, including decreasing water retention, weight loss, regulating blood pressure, and reducing acid and inflammation.

In addition, since this stone is connected to the Throat Chakra, it tends to have healing properties related to throat issues like helping to treat or ease discomfort in the throat, vocal cords, and larynx.

Lapis Lazuli spiritual meaning

Lapis Lazuli holds a connection to the Third Eye and the Throat Chakras, giving you the ability to express yourself more freely and openly and also giving you access to a higher perception. 

Helping you balance what is important and what is not so important in life and better regulate your energy flow.

Lapis Lazuli is one of the oldest healing stones and has been used by healers, mystics, royalty, and priests to gain power, wisdom, inner vision, and stimulate psychic abilities.

Also known as a protection stone, Lapis Lazuli can help protect you from a psychic attack and return energy to whoever sent it to you.

Sodalite spiritual meaning

Vibrating with blue crystal energy, Sodalite is connected to the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye. Therefore, using Sodalite during meditation can allow you to gain access to a multilevel understanding of your inner workings, show you how everything is connected, and give you the courage to speak the truth and know the truth thanks to the Chakras that will activate simultaneously.

Meditating with Sodalite will help you clear your mind and calm the constant inner chatter most people experience. Making space for you to gain insights into profound inner truths about yourself without judgment and allows healing for whatever negative experiences you may have had in the past.

You can also use Sodalite for dreamwork, and it is excellent to help recall dreams and enhance lucid dreaming.

Frequently asked questions

What does Lapis Lazuli symbolize?

Lapis Lazuli symbolizes truth, friendship, and wisdom. It is often gifted on someone’s 9th wedding anniversary and is the traditional birthstone of people born in September.

Who should wear Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Lazuli is excellent for anyone who wants to balance their Throat Chakra or open their Third Eye. It can help bring inner peace, find your truth, and gain insights into your life. As well as become more connected to your higher self.


These two stones carry potent energies that are similar, but they are also very different in their own right.

Knowing the differences between Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite will help you decide which stone can help you achieve your goals while using them or if you would benefit from them both.

Both stones will help to enhance your ability to find your inner truth and create space for peace and abundance in your life. At the same time, you are connecting to your higher self.