Pistachio Calcite Meaning & Healing Properties – Explained


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Pistachio calcite is a form of green calculator that is formed in Pakistan. It can be found in hues from bright lime green to blue-green, and it belongs in the mineral class carbonate.

The green color of the stone comes from the chlorite that was trapped inside the stone during the crystallization process. The stone will range from translucent to opaque.

Pistachio Calcite Meaning

Pistachio Calcite is a stunning and powerful stone that is primarily used to promote balance within your body and mind.

There are tons of healing and metaphysical properties that come from this stone, which you can benefit from.

The crystal appeals to your heart chakra, working to open your heart to building strong relationships while also healing you from past hurt.

You will find yourself more centered and stable while using the pistachio calcite.

Pistachio Calcite Benefits & Healing properties


The pistachio calcite opens your heart to the spiritual realm, which allows you to be nurtured by your spirit guides.

Through this, the stone encourages understanding, tolerance and compassion — which are all energies that your spirit guides are giving to you.


Since this is a stone of balance, the green calcite can help even out processes in the body that might be not working properly. It can rebalance digestion and promote healthy function of the gall bladder, liver, pancreas, spleen, and small intestines.


When using the pistachio calcite, your emotions will be much more focused on energies that serve them. You will be drawn toward relationships that give you as much love as you do in return, and it will help you heal from those relationships that did not serve you.

Pistachio Calcite Metaphysical properties

Releases negative energy patterns

One of the most powerful properties of the pistachio calcite is helping remove you from negative energy patterns that can deter you from reaching your full potential.

When using pistachio calcite, you will find that you have smoother transitions through big, sometimes overwhelming transitions in your life. You will feel grounded even as the world changes around you.

Balances emotions

The pistachio calcite also helps you balance out your emotions.

Whether you have past emotional trauma to work through, or you are currently experiencing challenges overcoming some overwhelming emotions, this stone can aid you through it.

It will speak to your heart and keep you in check even when its difficult.

Attracts new friendships

Because the pistachio calcite balances the heart chakra, it also helps you attract new meaningful relationships.

It opens your heart to love and will allow you to focus your energy on loving friendships.

Pistachio Calcite uses

Wear on your body

One of the most effective ways to reap the benefits of the pistachio calcite is to wear it on your body.

When you are wearing this stone, it will continually renew your strength and give you a sense of security, especially in new environments.

If you prefer not to wear it, even keeping it close in a pocket or purse will make sure you’re exposed to its vibrational energies.

Under your pillow

Sleeping with the pistachio calcite under your pillow helps promote deep and restful sleep. You will feel more relaxed throughout the night and more energized in the morning.

Place in your home

You can also place the stone in your home to ensure that your entire space is filled with its healing properties. That way, it can constantly be there to rebalance any stress or anxiety.

Manifestation and meditation

Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about meditating and manifesting with the pistachio calcite — which is incredibly effective.

The stone is meant to attract prosperity and abundance, but you mist first tell it what you desire. Work through manifestation exercises with the stone close to your heart.

Pistachio Calcite Chakra

Pistachio calcite balances the heart chakra. The stone appeals to your emotions and the love that you hold in your heart, allowing you to become more connected to your spirit guides in this way.

When using the pistachio calcite, you will notice you are less scared to be in touch with your emotions, because you are confident in your ability to control and balance them — even in overwhelming or tough situations.

Pistachio Calcite  Zodiac

The pistachio calcite most appeals to the astrological signs of taurus and pisces. It promotes emotional stability and soothing energy, which both of these zodiacs could stand to benefit from.

Is green calcite the same as pistachio calcite?

Yes, pistachio calcite is a type of green calcite that appears in hues from bright lime green to blue-green.

Can you put pistachio calcite in water?

Yes, any quartz crystal is safe to put in water. That includes pistachio calcite. This is because the stone is hard enough to withstand the deterring properties of water.

How do you charge pistachio Calcite?

Pistachio Calcite is actually fairly easy to charge. All you need to do is keep track of the full moon. Each full moon, you’ll want to bury your stones in the soil, but leave an opening for the moonlight to hit them.

The light from the moon will charge them while the energy from the earth helps them retain the power.


It can be quite difficult to keep your emotions in check, especially when you have suffered from trauma in the past.

While it may not solve all of your problems, one way to help you move through your every day life could be to give this crystal a try.

You might see that you feel more energized and less overwhelmed by the thought of having to wade through your emotions.

Keeping this stone with you will make sure you are protected as you begin to heal your heart.