Black Moonstone Meaning, Benefits and Properties – Explained


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

In this article, you’ll learn about the Black Moonstone, its amazing benefits and how to cleanse it. We have created a complete guide on this beautiful stone. In this article, we will answer all your questions about the black moonstone.

Black Moonstone meaning

The meaning of the black moonstone is one of beauty, self-expression, and intuition. The black moonstone is known as the stone of dark transformation because it has the power to transform your life in many ways.

It will help you open up your heart and soul so that you can share them with others. It will also help you see things from a different perspective than what you normally would see them from.

This will help you make better decisions about how to live your life and how to treat others around yourself.

It is also recommended for people who have problems with sleep, or people who have insomnia. Its energy calms down the brain and it will be easier to fall asleep.

It’s also good to use when you want an extra deep sleep or dreaming ability.

Black Moonstone Benefits & healing properties

Black Moonstone is a powerful crystal that can be used to heal everything from the body to the mind. The stone has been used in different cultures over the years and has been known to be a powerful healing stone.

This stone has a lot of benefits and healing properties that you can use to help yourself or others. Here are some of the benefits and healing properties of Black Moonstone:

Balance Emotions

Black Moonstone helps with balancing the emotions, especially if you have been feeling stressed out or anxious lately. This stone will help you feel relaxed and calm when you’re feeling stressed out by helping you clear your head so that you can think more clearly about things which will help reduce stress levels overall too! You can also use this stone as an aid when meditating since it will help clear your mind while doing so too!

Protecting you from negative energy

If you feel like other people are draining your energy, you can use a black moonstone pendant or ring to protect yourself from the effects of other people’s negative energy. This is especially helpful if you work in an office where some people are constantly gossiping or complaining about others.

Infertility Issues

Black Moonstone is also known for being good at helping with fertility issues such as infertility issues among other things too! If you have been trying hard but still haven’t gotten pregnant yet then maybe it’s time to try out using this crystal instead!

Side effects of Moonstone

The moonstone is a stone that has been used by many cultures for thousands of years. It is believed to have healing properties, and is often used in jewelry and other decorative items.

Moonstone is very mild and has no negative side effects. However you should not wear the Moonstone with diamond, ruby, pearl and emerald. It is believed that moonstone can relieve stress, improve sleep and balance emotions.

It also helps us to connect with our intuition and spirituality.

Moonstone is considered a protection stone as it absorbs negative energy from the environment around you and prevents it from entering your body. It also helps you shield yourself from negativity from others by allowing you to see their true intentions more clearly so that you can avoid them if necessary!

Black Moonstone chakra

Black moonstone is a gemstone that’s connected to the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head and it’s one of your seven main chakras.

It links you to your divine self and allows you to connect with your higher self, or in other words, it helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and strengthens your connection with the divine.

Black Moonstone will also help you connect with the Divine Feminine energy, which means that it will help you connect to your intuition when you’re making decisions. It will also help you understand yourself more so that you can be more true to who you are and what makes you happy.

Black Moonstone zodiac sign

Black Moonstone is a stone that belongs to the Cancer zodiac sign, and it could benefit those who are born between June 22nd and July 22nd.

This stone is associated with the astrological element of Water. It is also associated with the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Rooster, which means that people born in this period will have a good affinity for Black Moonstone.

Black Moonstone is said to be able to help you achieve stability, especially when you are undergoing some changes. This is one of the reasons why people who are born under this zodiac sign could be able to benefit from this stone’s powers.

The energies associated with this stone can also bring out the best in a person by helping him or her unleash his or her full potential and be more capable of achieving his or her goals.

How to cleanse Black Moonstone?

You should cleanse your stone to keep it charged. There are various ways to cleanse a stone and it depends on your preference. Some people like using sage or incense, while others prefer to use water, sound or visualization. Here are some of the popular methods:

Sage: Sage is used for cleansing crystals as it helps get rid of negative energies and also cleanses the air around you. You can light a stick of sage and wave it over your crystal and around yourself until you feel the crystal is cleansed.

Water: This method involves placing your Black Moonstone in water for an hour and then removing it from the bowl before leaving them overnight on a windowsill so that they can dry naturally by morning time.

You can also do this by placing them under running water from a tap, but make sure that they are not submerged! The water will remove negative energy from within each individual stone as well as cleansing any crystals around them within its vicinity (just like how salt works!).

Frequently asked questions:

What are the healing properties of black moonstone?

Black moonstone is a stone that is said to be able to help with insomnia, nightmares, and stress. It can also be used for protection against negative energy and to create a protective field around yourself.

Black Moonstone Affirmation Examples:

“I am always surrounded by love.”

“I am surrounded by light at all times.”

“All my fears are illusions, which I will soon dispel with the power of light within me!”

Black Moonstone spiritual meaning – what is it?

Black Moonstone is a stone of spirituality. It helps you to connect with your higher self and with the divine. It’s also said to be an aid for those who are interested in psychic development.

What is black moonstone good for?

Black moonstone is a powerful stone that can be worn to help you feel grounded in your daily life. It’s also good for helping you get a better night’s sleep if you’re having trouble sleeping.


In conclusion, black moonstone is a beautiful stone. It will help you to achieve emotional balance, keep your life crystal clear, and open the pathways between yourself and spirit. It brings success in work and study while it’s especially useful when working with people. We hope that you’ve found this guide to the properties and uses of black moonstone helpful.