Astrophyllite vs. Arfvedsonite: The Difference


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Many gemstones are very similar in appearance and are often mistaken for one another. Astrophyllite and Arfvedsonite are two of those stones, and they both hold fierce energy and can create change in your life right down to a soul level.

These stones serve a purpose and, depending on what you are looking for, determine if one is more suited to you than the other.

Astrophyllite and Arfvedsonite – the difference explained

These two stones are very similar in appearance, and if you’re not careful, you may buy one thinking it’s the other. These stones both hold potent energies that can be used for different purposes. Depending on your intentions, you want to be sure you are using the suitable stone.

Astrophyllite is always bronze to a reddish-brown color. In comparison, Arfvedsonite is blueish black to solid black.

The differences are subtle but distinguishable if you know what colors you are looking for, depending on the stone you are interested in.

Arfvedsonite healing properties

Physical Healing

Arfvedsonite does not directly impact physical illnesses like other crystals, but it brings you into a more positive physical state, promoting overall wellbeing.

As a byproduct of being physically in a state of wellbeing, you may experience some relief to specific ailments that are stress-related, like anxiety, acne, indigestion, and high blood pressure.

Arfvedsonite is believed to improve sleep, and having a solid sleep schedule is one of the pillars of good health.  Having a consistent good night’s sleep, you will experience an improvement in your overall health.

Emotional Healing

Arfvedsonite is a powerhouse when it comes to emotional healing. It can help you find the light and fill your soul full of light, illuminating the dark energies within you.

When it comes to darkness and your emotions, you may feel stuck in life, unable to fulfill your goals, find your purpose or move forward. Leaving these darker emotions to fester inside you can lead to mental anguish, depression, and unhappy life in general.

Using Arfvedsonite in your life, whether during meditation, prayer, or keeping you close to you throughout the day to tap into its powerful energies, you will find the dark, heavy emotions breaking up and making room for more light.

This will leave you feeling confident, more assertive, and able to move forward in areas in your life that once felt stagnant. Giving you the new start you need on your journey to self-discovery.

Spiritual Healing

The spiritual and the emotional healing properties of Arfvedsonite are very similar in that it will help to bring divine light into your soul. This gemstone can also help open your mind and soul to receive divine guidance from other realms. You can expect advice on using your divine light practically and helpfully.

Arfvedsonite can help you find that inner peace you so long for, and in doing so, you will find the clarity and strength to move forward in various areas of your life.

Astrophyllite healing properties

Physical Healing

Astrophyllite is full of positive energy and light, making it great to flush toxins out of the system and impurities built up over the years. It is also believed to aid in fertility, PMS-related issues, bloating, indigestion, and this stone is also thought to help improve the function of the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.

Emotional Healing

The powerful positive light contained in Astrophyllite can substantially impact your emotional wellbeing. If you find yourself in a rut in your life, feeling a bit lost and unable to make decisions for your future, then this stone can help you gain strength and a sense of awareness. Making it easier to let go of the past and move into your future with strength and purpose.

Spiritual Healing

Giving you a heightened sense of optimism and inner strength, you will be able to connect to higher realms, receive guidance, and even tune into the divine light easier. Using Astrophyllite while meditating may even help you discover traits within you of clairvoyance.

Arfvedsonite Metaphysical properties

Arfvedsonite is commonly used in the Metaphysical world for three Chakras, The crown, Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and the Throat Chakra.

Crown Chakra –  helps achieve spiritual enlightenment, giving you a greater sense of purpose and a higher state of consciousness and insights into your divine life plan and purpose.

Third Eye Chakra – Helps to organize and clarify your thoughts. You may find that you feel more enlightened and manifesting better than you ever have, but your thoughts may become disorganized, and your mind seems foggy. Using Arfvedsonite to activate your Third eye will help organize your thoughts and see a clear path to your future.

Throat Chakra – Improving your communication skills with yourself and those around you. You will find communicating easier, especially with the heavy topics you have held inside. Arfvedsonite will help you find the right words and open up lines of communication to express your most authentic self.

Arfvedsonite meditation: how to meditate with Arfvedsonite

Arfvedsonite is a powerful stone, and its energies can overwhelm even the most experienced with meditation. It is a good idea to start with shorter meditation sessions with Arfvedsonite and work yourself up to ensure you are not overwhelmed and left with a mental fogginess.

There is no right or wrong way to meditate, below is simply a suggestion for a simple meditation to perform with your Arfvedsonite.

  1. Find a quiet space where you feel the most comfortable and at ease.
  2. Sit in a comfortable position, or lay down if that is more comfortable, hold your Arfvedsonite in your hand, on the Chakra you want to activate, or nearby you.
  3. Close your eye and focus on your breathing while clearing your mind.
  4. Breathe in deep while imagining a divine white light entering your body, filling you up from your toes to the top of your head.
  5. Visualize your intention, you’ve tapped into the stone’s energy, and it is responding to you. Be clear in your intentions.
  6. Relax your mind and body and sit with your stone as long as you need. If your mind wanders, that’s ok. Refocus on your breath.

What is Arfvedsonite used for?

There are many uses for Arfvedsonite’s powerful energies. A few reasons to use this stone in your daily life are:

  • It can help to develop spiritual insights. Helping you to achieve a new mindset and plan out your future in a way you never thought of before.
  • Repel negative feelings that have been draining and blocking you.
  • It will help stimulate a more optimistic outlook and find happiness within yourself.
  • The dark emotions inside you will be illuminated and released, making more space for the light.
  • A stone of manifestation, Arfvedsonite, will help you to manifest quickly.


Astrophyllite and Arfvedsonite are both powerful stones that can help you connect to yourself on a soul level, repel dark emotions from your body, and attune to higher realms and the divine light.

If used properly, these stones can create real change in your life and help you find strength and quickly manifest what you want most out of life.