How to cleanse and charge orange calcite


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Orange calcite is a carbonate-based stone that is popular for its cleansing and energizing properties and its bright orange color.

The color makes it a popular choice for gemstone jewelry. It is closely associated with the sacral chakra, which is linked to joy, your emotional body, your sensuality, and your creativity in ancient tradition.

Orange calcite is known for bringing positivity and increasing your positive energies and your mental focus.

Physically, it is said to aid the body’s ability to strengthen and repair itself, mainly issues the kidneys bladder, and helps with vision or eye problems. But before we can use such a positive and powerful stone, we need to cleanse it and charge it to use it.

3 simple methods to cleanse orange calcite

We have compiled a list of 3 of the best cleansing techniques for orange calcite so that you can balance its energy easily and align that energy with your own.

Method 1:Cleanse your orange calcite with sound

Cleansing your orange calcite with sound may seem like a very odd way of crystal cleansing, but it is a very effective method.

Using your voice to chant, a tuning fork, a bell, or a singing bowl, make a loud, repetitive or continuous sound for 5 to 10 minutes so that the vibrations can encompass all of the stones that you want to cleanse.

This will allow the energy frequency of your calcite to align with the frequency of the sound waves and be cleansed as a result.

This is one of the cleansing methods that allow you to cleanse multiple crystals at once, so you can gather all your orange calcite crystals together or all the crystals that you would like to cleanse in this way together before you start.

However, if you plan on cleansing a large group, we advise you to make sure that you have something to make a loud and continuous or repetitive enough sound to engulf all crystals in each sound wave.

A bigger group of crystals requires a bigger wave of sound.

Method 2: Cleanse your orange calcite with selenite

Selenite is a sulfate-based clear white crystal that is very powerful and frequently used as a magnifier for energy and a purifier for many different things, both energetic and physical.

It is also a self-cleansing crystal, which makes it a perfect means of cleansing other crystals.

Selenite is often considered the safest way to cleanse other crystals, as it does not involve exposing the crystal that you want to cleanse to the elements and so does not risk damaging it accidentally at all.

To cleanse your orange calcite using selenite, place the calcite on top of your selenite or as close to it as you can if you are concerned that the calcite will not balance. Then, all you need to do is leave both stones where they are for 24 hours, during which time the selenite will be able to vibrationally pull any negative energy out of your orange calcite. That’s it! After 24 hours, the calcite is ready to be used or programmed however you choose.

Method 3: Cleanse your orange calcite using your breath

Cleansing your orange calcite stones with your breath may be the most intimidating cleansing method on this list, even though it is relatively simple to do.

To do this, place a single stone in your dominant hand and raise it to chin level. Then, focus on your intention, and inhale deeply through your nostrils.

Then bring the stone closer and exhale short, forceful breaths out through the nose so that the exhaled air hits the stone being held and then increases the vibration of the stone.

We recommend that you do this for 30 seconds for each stone and cleanse each stone that you want to in this way individually, even if some stones are smaller than others.

Cleansing your crystals in this way can also help you align with the energies of the calcite quicker as the negative energy is blown away and can also provide a moment of peace, meditation, and self-reflection. 

How to charge orange calcite crystals? 

There are many ways to charge crystals, but one of the most recommended for orange calcite is by leaving it in direct sunlight to absorb the sun’s warm and positive rays.

While many crystals should not be left in direct sunlight as it can damage them, orange calcite is not susceptible to this, and instead welcomes the sun’s glow, which brightens the crystals in the mineral makeup of the stone.

You can charge your orange calcite in the sun or natural moonlight for up to 12 hours, but we recommend making sure that you do not try and charge your stones between 11 am and 3 pm when the sun is highest in the sky, and the rays are strongest, as a preservative measure. 

How often do I need to cleanse orange calcite? 

You should cleanse your orange calcite once a month, or when you feel it has been in contact with negative energies or needs reattuning to your own energy, for example, when you first bring it home from the shops.

Crystals are very sensitive to negative energy and can pick up a lot of negativity from the harvesting process through shipping and purchasing until they reach us.


Overall, there are many ways to cleanse and charge orange calcite to make the most of this stone’s positive, creative, and harmonizing energies.

Though using sound, breathwork, and the power of other crystals such as selenite are some of the most valuable and accessible options available.

At the very least, we hope that these tips have given you some ideas on how to care for your orange calcite crystals, and some of the best uses for them.