How to Cleanse Blue Lace Agate: 3 Simple Methods


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Blue Lace Agate is a stunning crystal with its intricately intertwined blue and white patterns. It’s hard not to fall in love. This is an excellent crystal to use for meditation, and tapping into its protective but soft energies can bring a sense of peace and connect you to your spirituality.

Learning simple methods to cleanse your Blue Lace Agate is essential to keep its energies pure and balanced.

This article will look at three simple but effective methods to keep your Blue Lace Agate refreshed and renewed.

3 Simple methods to cleanse Blue Lace Agate

Cleansing crystals shouldn’t be complicated or daunting. Instead, keeping your routine simple will help maintain a regular schedule and help to form a connection with your Blue Lace Agate.

Three simple methods for cleansing your Blue Lace Agate are:

  • Sound
  • Visualization
  • Sage

Let’s look at how to perform each of these methods, and hopefully, you will find one that feels empowering to you.

Method 1: Cleanse your Blue Lace Agate with sound

Sound energy cleansing is a beautiful method to cleanse your Blue Lace Agate. There are no rules to follow, and there are many options for the instrument you use for the sound.

The power behind cleansing is finding what resonates with you and feels good.

Popular instruments used for sound energy cleansing are singing bowls, tuning forks, bells, drums, and chimes.

You can also use your own voice chanting, singing, or repeating a meaningful mantra.

The first step is to set your intentions; this is always important and should be done throughout the process. Start the music or singing whatever method you have chosen and let it surround your Blue Lace Agate.

Visualize the sound shaking up the energies in your crystal and carrying them away with the notes.

You will want to focus the sound on each crystal for about 10 minutes or longer if you feel it is holding a lot of unwanted energy.

Method 2: Cleanse your Blue Lace Agate with visualization

Visualization is an excellent cleansing method involving your energy to cleanse your Blue Lace Agate.

However, using your energy can be draining on you, and if you have a lot of crystals to cleanse, it is important to listen to your body and take breaks to restore your energy stores.

Start with holding your Blue Lace Agate in your hand, close your eyes and go into a meditative state with your intentions in mind.

Then envision a beautiful white light surrounding your crystal and flushing away any unwanted energies.

Focus on each piece individually for about 30 seconds. If you feel longer is needed, take as long as necessary to release the negative energies.

Method 3: cleanse your Blue Lace Agate with Sage

Sage cleansing is a practice that has been around for thousands of years. It is an effective purifier for your home and your crystals.

You don’t need much, and it doesn’t take long to perform a cleansing. This can create a potent and uplifting routine for cleansing with sage.

You will need a bundle of sage; white sage is used most often for cleansing. You can also use loose sage leaves. You will also need a lighter or a match and a fire-safe bowl to catch the ashes or light the loose leaves.

You can buy a bowl or shell made for cleansing with sage or just use a fire-safe bowl you already have.

Some people also like to use feathers to help move the smoke around. You can use your hand if a feather is not something you have available.

Start by opening your windows to let the smoke out. It will allow the negative energies to be released back to the earth, ensuring your fire alarms are not triggered.

Next, light the sage, let it burn for 30 seconds, and then blow out. It will continue to smolder and release smoke. Hold your Blue Lace Agate in your hand and let the smoke engulf it.

Allow the smoke to touch every surface of the crystal while focusing on your intentions and visualizing the smoke carrying away the unwanted energies in your crystals. Focus on your Blue Lace Agate for 30 seconds before moving on to your next piece.

How to charge your Blue Lace Agate

A great way to charge your Blue Lace Agate is to bury it in the ground or a pot of soil if burying it outside is not an option. This is a powerful way to let the earth charge your crystal and amplify its healing properties. Simply bury while stating your intentions and leave it buried for 24 hours.

How often do I need to cleanse Blue Lace Agate?

It would be best if you aimed to cleanse your Blue Lace Agate once a month. Creating a cleansing ritual will make an uplifting and enjoyable routine to keep your crystal vibrating with its purest energies.


Thank you for taking the time to read about three simple methods to cleanse your Blue Lace Agate. I hope you can take something away from this article and start a beautiful journey into the healing powers of crystals and how to maintain their powerful energies.