How to cleanse Green Calcite: 3 Simple Methods


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Green calcite is a pale green carbonite stone formed through sedimentation. It is known for its healing and calming properties and its benefits as an aid to self-discovery.

Traditionally, green calcite is associated with stimulating blood to move around the body, soothing the worries of the over-anxious, and making people more open to understanding and receiving emotion-based communication from others.

This is reflected in green calcite’s connection to the heart chakra, where it stabilizes and soothes strong feelings.

Due to these properties, careful and regular cleansing of your green calcite crystals is important.

While there are many ways to clean all kinds of crystals, we have listed some of the most effective and straightforward ways to cleanse your green calcite below, to help it reach the most of its energetic potential. 

Three simple methods to cleanse Green Calcite

Below we have recommended three ways of cleansing your green calcite stone.

You should always cleanse your crystals once you bring them home for the first time to allow them to be as effective as possible during use.

In cleansing your crystals, you are returning them to their natural state so that they can then be realigned with your energy and put to use.

Method 1: Cleanse your Green Calcite with sage

 A popular way of cleansing your green calcite crystals is by using a bundle of sage, which is often burnt, and the burning sage and smoke wafted over the calcite to draw out the negative energies from within the stone.

Cleansing through burning sage is an ancient Native American practice, and there are several tips that you should follow when burning sage to keep yourself safe and make sure that you do not set the surrounding area on fire.

Make sure that your green calcite crystals are laid out in a flat, open, well-ventilated area (or outside). Burn your sage for 20 seconds before blowing out the flames and placing the sage bundle in a fire-proof bowl so that embers do not fall onto any surfaces, and move your sage over the calcite to allow the smoke to envelop and therefore cleanse the crystals for at least 30 seconds per stone.

We recommend that you do not do this for more than a minute per stone and that the extra 30 seconds is only necessary if you feel that the stone, in particular, is holding on to a lot of negative energy that cannot be banished in just 30 seconds.

Method 2: Cleanse your Green Calcite with brown rice

 Using dried, uncooked brown rice to cleanse your green calcite crystals is also an easy as well as a cheap option.

Simply sit your calcite on a bed of brown rice, or pour some rice into a bowl and completely submerge your crystals. We recommend leaving your crystals like this for 24 hours to allow the brown rice to absorb all of the negative energy from the calcite and restore neutral balance to the stones. 

There is some debate as to whether or not you can cook and eat the brown rice after you have used it to cleanse your crystals.

Some believe that by eating brown rice, you are internalizing all of the negative energy that the stones have released. In contrast, others argue that the negative energy is boiled off during cooking and that not eating the rice is a waste of food.

Whichever you choose to do depends on your circumstances, but both are valid options once the rice has extracted negative energy from your calcite.

Method 3: Cleanse your Green Calcite by visualization 

By far the cheapest and potentially the easiest on this list is cleansing green calcite via visualization, as you don’t need anything except yourself, your stones, and a quiet place to cleanse them.

It is also the safest way to cleanse your crystals, although some people find it to be very intimidating. Spend a couple of minutes seated in your quiet space, allowing you to ground and calm yourself, centering your energy.

Then pick up your stones one at a time and imagine your hands filling with bright white light surrounding the stone. Picture negative energy being drawn out and away from the stone.

With each impurity pulled from the calcite, imagine the stone and the light growing brighter each time, as if the stone is being filled with renewed purpose and balance.

Do this for one minute or until you feel a shift in the crystal’s energy, and repeat with each stone that you want to cleanse in this way. 

 How to charge a Green Calcite crystal? 

 Charging your green calcite can quickly be done with any of the methods above, particularly visualization. Still, another popular method to cleanse green calcite is by burying it in soil and then uncovering them again under a full moon. If this is not available to you, leaving them on your windowsill to bathe in the light of a full moon also works, although the charged power may not be as strong as when buried.

How often do I need to cleanse Green Calcite? 


It is widely recommended that you cleanse your crystals when you first buy your green calcite and then once a month after that point. 



Although there are many different ways that you can go about cleansing your green calcite crystals, burning sage over them, using brown rice to absorb all the negative energy, and cleansing through visualization are all useful, easy ways to do so.

While some methods of charging green calcite can be more complex, there are easy, free options available that are accessible to all. We hope that in reading this article you have learned more about cleansing your green calcite, and understand that while many terms and methods sound intimidating, they are actually straightforward and highly beneficial for working with crystals.