How to Cleanse Jade: 3 Simple Methods


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Jade is often referred to as the lucky stone or the stone of happiness as many people believe Jade attracts luck and happiness into their lives.

With any stone or crystal, Jade needs to be shown some tender loving care and be cleansed and charged to keep it working for you.

This article is a short guide that offers three simple ways to cleanse your Jade to keep its energies high and beneficial.

3 Simple methods to cleanse Jade

There are countless ways people cleanse their crystals, and some methods can be elaborate. If you find that too overwhelming or just want to keep it simple, this article is for you.

There are three simple methods to cleanse your Jade

  • Sage
  • Sound
  • Visualization

Let’s explore these methods of cleansing Jade while keeping it simple.

Method 1: Cleanse your Jade with Sage

Using Sage to cleanse yourself, your home, or your crystals and stones is an ancient practice, and Sage is a powerful tool for healing and clearing negative energy.

You can cleanse your Jade safely and efficiently with Sage. All you need is bundled, or loose Sage leaves, a match or lighter, and a bowl that you can safely light the Sage in if it is loose or to ash in from the bundled Sage.

After lighting the Sage, hold it in your non-dominant hand while you have your crystal in your dominant hand and move it through the smoke.

Ensure the smoke engulfs every inch of your Jade to clear away unwanted energies. You only need to perform this ritual for about 30 seconds for each piece of Jade you are cleansing.

However, if you feel your crystal is holding a lot of stagnant energies, then cleansing for an additional 30 seconds would be a good idea.

Remember to open a window to let out the smoke and release the negative energies outside. You don’t want them stuck in your home, or if you have the outdoor space, this is a great cleansing ritual that can be performed outside in nature.

Method 2: Cleanse your Jade with sound

Anything that makes a sound that will hold its tune for longer than a few seconds is a perfect instrument to cleanse your Jade with.

Singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, bells, and even your own voice chanting or repeating a mantra is excellent to use in a cleansing practice.

Sound cleansing is straightforward and has the added bonus of cleansing the room you are using to cleanse your Jade.

Simply gather up your Jade pieces and set them on a table or floor in front of you wherever you are comfortable.

Set your intentions and start using the sound tool of your choosing. Envision the sound enveloping your Jade, shaking loose unwanted energies, and carrying those energies away.

This cleansing method doesn’t take long; you only need to focus on each crystal for 5 – 10 mins, but if you feel your Jade is carrying heavy energy and needs a little extra cleansing, then, of course, focus a little longer on it.

This is also an excellent method if you have a lot of Jade or various crystals and stones in one room. You don’t even need to move them.

You can move around to each piece and give it the attention it needs before moving on to the next. Like I said earlier, this will also cleanse the room you are in simultaneously.

Method 3: Cleanse your Jade with visualization

Cleansing your Jade using visualization is a great way to use your own energy as a cleansing tool. If you don’t have the tools needed for the other cleansing methods, or you like the idea of using your own energy, then visualization is a great match.

You don’t need any fancy equipment or special skills, and you just need a quiet space and your Jade.

Get into a comfortable position in a quiet space. Hold your Jade in your hand. Close your eyes, set your intentions, and visualize a beautiful white light engulfing your piece of Jade.

Visualize that this white light cleans out any unwanted energies from your Jade and leaves its own energies fresh and renewed.

You only need to hold this visualization for around 30 seconds or longer if your Jade carries heavy energies.

If you have a lot of Jade to cleanse, be sure to pace yourself and take breaks when needed. You may get tired out quickly since you are using your own energy.

How to charge Jade crystal?

A great way to charge Jade is to use sunlight. This is a simple method that you don’t need any special equipment for just a sunny spot outside or a sun-soaked windowsill.

Hold your Jade while stating your intentions, and then leave it in the sun for an hour or so. Using early morning sun is ideal since it’s not as harsh and won’t run the chance of damaging the Jade.

How often do I need to cleanse Jade?

You only need to cleanse your Jade once a month. However, finding a monthly routine cleansing your Jade will make for a fun and powerful ritual.


Thank you for taking the time to read the three simple methods to cleanse Jade. I hope you have learned something, and you find all the luck and happiness Jade will attract to your life.