How to Cleanse Rainbow Moonstone: 3 Simple Methods


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Adding a Rainbow Moonstone to your crystal collection is exciting; this gorgeous crystal has so many healing properties.

It can help you keep your energies flowing smoothly and maintain a positive vibration. It is essential to take care of your Rainbow Moonstone to keep its vibrations pure and powerful.

This article will introduce you to three simple but very effective methods you can use to cleanse your Rainbow Moonstone.

They are so simple you can even start today.

3 Simple methods to cleanse Rainbow Moonstone

Creating a cleansing routine should be focused on simplicity and empowerment.

If you are overwhelmed and not feeling good about your cleansing routine, your crystal will pick up on that energy and hold on to it.

These three simple methods are stress-free and straightforward.

  • Sage
  • Sound
  • Selenite

Let’s explore how easy these methods are and get you started cleansing your crystals like a pro.

Method 1: Cleanse your Rainbow Moonstone using sage

Sage has been used for thousands of years in cleansing ceremonies. It is practical and simple, so you can easily adapt this cleansing method.

Using sage can help you to cultivate a powerful cleansing routine to keep the energies of your crystals clean and pure

You will need some sage either in a bundle, or loose will do. White sage is commonly used for cleansing.

You will also need a fire-safe bowl to ash in or hold your loose sage while it smolders, a lighter, or match.

Some people like to use a feather to direct the smoke, but you can use your hand if that’s not available.

You will want to start by opening a window. Sage has a thicker smoke and may set off your fire alarm, and you want to smoke to carry the negative energies out of your house.

This would be a perfect cleansing to do outside if you have some outside space.

Light your sage and let it burn for about 30 seconds before blowing it out. It will continue to smoke.

Set your intentions and start to direct the smoke towards your Rainbow Moonstone, allowing it to be engulfed in the thick smoke.

While doing this, visualize the smoke breaking up the unwanted energies and carrying them away.

Focus on your crystal for 30 seconds, longer if needed.

Method 2: Cleanse your Rainbow Moonstone with sound

The power behind a cleansing is finding something that resonates with you and makes you feel empowered and uplifted. Sound energy cleansing is easy to personalize and make it your own.

You can play your favourite sound or be adventurous and experiment with new sounds like singing bowls, bells, tapping on a crystal glass, or drums.

You can use your own voice singing, praying or reciting a mantra.

Start by setting your intentions and begin the sound you have chosen.

Focus on your Rainbow Moonstone and visualize the notes surrounding the crystal, shaking up the unwanted energies and carrying away any negativity that may be within it.

Focus on your crystal for 10 mins before moving on to the next one.

Method 3: Cleanse your Rainbow Moonstone with Selenite

Selenite has long been revered as a cleansing and charging crystal.

Its frequency is so high and pure it doesn’t need any outside interference to maintain its frequency, and it is able to affect crystals that are touching it.

You can buy a Selenite plate or bowl that is perfect for cleansing. You want a piece of Selenite that is bigger than the Rainbow Moonstone you are cleansing, and you want them to be touching each other as much as possible.

Start by placing your Rainbow Crystal on the Selenite. State your intentions to let the crystals know you want to cleanse and leave them together for 24 hours.

Your Rainbow Moonstone will be balanced and returned to its base frequency.

How to charge your Rainbow Moonstone

The Rainbow Moonstone has a strong connection to the moon, hence the name, and can be charged by moonlight. Place your crystal outside or on a windowsill, set your intentions to let the crystal know what you want from it, and leave it overnight.

How often should you cleanse your Rainbow Moonstone?

Cleansing your Rainbow Moonstone should be done once a month. Aligning to the full moon would be a good idea so you can charge your crystal after cleansing it.


Your Rainbow Moonstone is constantly working in your favour to bring you into balance, hope, and harmony, so keeping its energies pure is a must.

Learning to cleanse your crystals can be simple and empowering to keep their healing energies available.

I hope you learned how easy cleansing your Rainbow Moonstone is and can begin your own journey into cleansing your crystals.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.