How to Cleanse Smoky Quartz: 3 Simple Methods


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Smoky Quartz is a beautiful crystal with many benefits to offer you.

It is incredible for helping  remove negative, unwanted energy from around you.and like any other crystal, it needs to be cleansed regularly to keep its energies high and pure.

It does an excellent job of purifying your energy field and helping you release stress, fear, anxiety, sadness, or any other negative emotions you have within you.

It only makes sense that a cleansing ritual is needed regularly.

3 Simple methods to cleanse Smoky Quartz

Your Smoky Quartz is constantly absorbing energies from the environment around it, you, and other people.

Cleansing your Smoky Quartz may seem like a daunting task or even too advanced if you are new to crystals, but this is not true.

There are three simple and effective ways to cleanse your Smoky Quartz

  • Natural light
  • Brown rice
  • Breath

These three easy cleansing methods are broken down in this article to help you see the simplicity of cleansing and get you started on a journey with your crystals.

Method 1: Cleanse your Smoky Quartz with natural light

you can cleanse your Smoky Quartz with moonlight, or you can use sunlight.

The moon offers a softer light that you may feel resonates with you more, or you may connect more with the brighter light of the sun.

If you use moonlight, find a spot outside or in a windowsill that is bathed in the moonlight for a few hours and is safe to leave your Smoky Quartz on.

Gather up all your pieces and set your intentions for the cleansing. Place your Crystals in their spot outside or in a window and leave overnight. Collect before the sun comes up.

If you decide to use the sun for cleansing. It’s the same process. Find a sun-soaked spot outside or in a window.

Gather up your Smoky Quartz, set your intentions, and then leave them in the sun for 4 hours.

The morning sun is softer and less harsh on your crystals; if you can use the sun in the morning, that would be ideal.

Method 2: Cleanse your Smoky Quartz with brown rice

Eastern cultures have long used brown rice as a cleansing agent. Brown rice absorbs negative, unbalanced energy from crystals. Allowing the crystal to return to its natural and pure frequency.

Brown rice has a yin and yang energy that is perfectly balanced earth and sun energy, and it brings this to the crystals it’s cleansing. So encouraging balanced energy in anything, it is cleansing.

Using brown rice to cleanse your Smoky Quartz is very easy. All you need is a container, preferably a glass container with a lid to let light in, some rice, and a safe spot to place the container.

While you’re completing these steps, keep your intentions in the front of your mind or repeat them aloud.

Fill the container with rice; it would be best if you could completely cover the Smoky Quartz. Place your crystal in the rice, put the lid on, and place it in a safe spot for 12 hours.

Method 3: Cleanse your Smoky Quartz using your breath

If you want to use your own energy to cleanse your Smoky Quartz, then using your breath is a powerful yet simple way to cleanse your crystals.

Hold your Smoky Quartz, one piece at a time, in your dominant hand. Take a deep breath and exhale through pursed lips directly at your crystal.

While exhaling, keep very clear thoughts of your intentions repeat three breath cycles.

If you feel your Smoky Quartz needs a little extra attention, repeat until you feel your crystal is cleansed and restored to its base frequency. Move on to your next piece of Smoky Quartz.

Using your energy to cleanse your crystals can be exhausting, especially if you have an extensive collection.

If you cleanse several crystals along with your Smoky Quartz, don’t forget to take breaks when you feel tired.

You are using a lot of energy, and you need to replenish those energy stores.

How to charge your Smoky Quartz crystal?

Burying Smoky Quartz in the ground or a pot of soil is an excellent way to charge this crystal. Smoky Quartz is connected to the Root Chakra, and returning it to the earth to charge is powerful and will amplify its vibrations.

How often do I need to cleanse Smoky Quartz?

It is a good idea to cleanse your Smoky Quartz once a month. Keeping routine with your cleansing will help to keep your Smoky Quartz’s powerful energies available to you.


Smoky Quartz is a beautiful crystal for anyone trying to fix negativity in their lives. It will work hard for you, and it needs a little tender loving care regularly.

I hope you feel confident and set up a beautiful cleansing ritual for your Smoky Quartz.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article.