If you’re wondering whether or not you can shower with your crystals, you’re not alone! The question is actually incredibly common.
Whether your crystals happened to get dirty or you’re wearing them on a piece of jewelry you don’t want to take off, there are several reasons why you might be inclined to take these stones into the shower with you.
Continue reading to find out if you can or should.
Can you shower with crystals and gemstones?
So, the answer is actually yes…and no. In fact, whether or not you can bring your crystals into the shower depends entirely on the type of crystal. In fact, there are some crystals that shouldn’t be kept in your bathroom at all, regardless of if they ever touch the water.
This is because the bathroom can become very humid. Some stones might be toxic or water-soluble, which means they need to remain in a dry, cool place.
MOHS Hardness Scale
All minerals exist on the MOHS hardness scale. The scale gives a measure of its relative resistance to scratching, which is determined by scratching the stone up against another substance of known hardness.
Where your crystal falls on the MOHS hardness scale is a factor in whether or not the stone should be present in the shower.
1-6 on the hardness scale
These are going to be the softer crystals, with 1 being the absolute softest. A good amount of common crystals exist on the lower end of the scale, including amber, pearls, lapis lazuli, jade, and opal.
The lower on the MOHS scale, the more likely it is that your stone could be harmed by water. However, this is not always the case. Stones that fall around 5 or 6 on the scale could be fine in the bathroom — though that does not mean they should go inside the actual shower and constantly be subjected to running water.
6-10 on the hardness scale
Stones that fall between 6-10 on the hardness scale are going to be less likely to deteriorate when exposed to water.
Again, those crystals in the 6-7 range should be treated with caution, as they may still not be well suited for direct contact with water on a daily basis. However, as you make your way to 10, these stones are likely to withstand the shower perfectly fine.
How to choose crystals for your bathroom
The hardness scale isn’t the only thing you must use to determine whether or not to bring a crystal into the shower, or even your bathroom.
As stated above, some crystals can be toxic — which means exposing them to humid environments can allow their toxins to be released into the air.
So, water solubility and toxicity are the main determinants you should use to figure out if you should bring your crystal in the shower or place in the bathroom. Basically any crystal in the quartz family is going to be totally fine to use in and around water. Anything ending in “-ite” is probably a not safe.
Crystals that should not go in your bathroom
Crystals that should not go in the bathroom include (but aren’t limited to):
- Selenite – Water-soluble
- Labradorite – Water-soluble
- Calcite – Water-soluble
- Fluorite – Toxic and water-soluble
- Hematite – Rusts in water
- Lapis Lazuli – Toxic and breakable
- Malachite – Breakable in hot water
- Moldavite – Breakable in hot water
- Lepidolite – Flakes apart in water
- Opals – Breakable in hot water
- Pyrite – Produces sulfuric acid when combined with water
- Turquoise – Fades
- Obsidian – Breakable in hot water
- Rhodonite – Water-soluble
Remember, this is not a complete list, so make sure to always do your research on your specific stone before you decide to expose it to water.
Crystals that can go in your bathroom
Some of the crystals that are perfectly safe to use in the bathroom or in the shower are:
- Rose Quartz
- Smokey Quartz
- Green Aventurine
- Citrine
- Bloodstone
- Sunstone
- Amethyst
- Emerald
If you’re wondering about another stone, check out the FAQ section or look up your specific stone to see if it will work.
Can you shower with your crystal necklace?
If your crystal is considered safe to be in water, then you can definitely wear the necklace in the shower. This will depend on the type of crystal in your necklace.
Can you shower with a rose quartz bracelet?
Rose Quartz is perfectly safe to take in the shower or have in the bathroom.
Can you shower with clear quartz?
Clear Quartz can be taken in the shower and exposed to water.
Can you shower with obsidian?
Obsidian should definitely not be worn in the shower. The stone is quite soft and will break apart if exposed to hot water.
Can you shower with tigers eye
Tiger’s eye is a water safe crystal, which means it is perfectly fine to wear it in the shower.
Can you wear citrine in the shower
Citrine is perfectly safe to be exposed to water.
Can you shower with selenite
Selenite is water-soluble and therefore should not be worn in the shower
As you can see, there is no one answer as to whether or not you can shower with your crystal or place it in the bathroom.
When in doubt, take time to search for the characteristics of your specific stone that would make it susceptible to water damage, such as water solubility and hardness, as well as toxicity.
And if you are looking to decorate your bathroom, look to the list of water-safe crystals to use and if you want to know more cleansing your crystals, check out my guide on how to cleanse crystals.