How to Cleanse Mookaite: 3 Simple Methods


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Mookaite is stunning with its earthy tones. It’s hard not to be drawn to this crystal. Containing powerful healing properties and bringing peace and serenity to your life, it is so important that you know how and when to cleanse your Mookaite.

While this crystal is helping you elevate your life, it is also absorbing toxic, negative energies that it encounters, and these energies need to be released to keep it working to its highest potential.

3 Simple methods to cleanse Mookaite

Cleansing your crystals should be an uplifting experience full of positive energy, and the best way to do that is to keep the routine simple. Too many steps will complicate the cleansing and bring the wrong energies to the cleansing.

Three simple methods to cleanse your Mookaite are by using

  • Moonlight
  • Sound
  • Breath

Let’s explore these simple methods of cleansing your crystals and get you started on an empowering journey into the magical world of crystals.

Read our guide to cleanse your crystal

Method 1: Cleanse your Mookaite with moonlight

The moon has long been a favoured cleansing method, and its soft light is full of energizing vibrations. Synching your cleansing routine with the full moon is a powerful way to harness the moon’s energies and leave your Mookaite’s frequency renewed and pure.

If you have a spot outside that is safe for your Mookaite to be left overnight or a windowsill, then you are set to harness the power of the light of the moon.

After finding a safe space for your Mookaite, set your intentions for cleansing your crystal with the subtle and soft moonlight. Leave your crystal to bath in the moonlight overnight, and that is it.

This cleansing method is really simple but can be so uplifting and empowering. After gathering up your crystals in the morning, you will find their energies to be restored to their perfect state.

Method 2: Cleanse your Mookaite with sound

The power behind a good cleansing is to find something that resonates with you. You want to feel empowered during the cleansing and personalizing your cleansing routine is an excellent way to do that.

Using sound energy cleansing leaves lots of room for personalization. You can use anything, including your voice, to make the sound that will cleanse your Mookaite. There are no set-in-stone rules, and this is your practice.

So have fun and find what speaks to you. There are popular choices for sound energy cleansing, such as tuning forks, chimes, tapping a crystal glass, singing bowls, and bells.

You can start by gathering up your crystals into one spot, or you can take the music to where your crystals rest. You will want to start with setting your intentions; this is always an important step.

It lets the energies you are working with know what you are trying to achieve and helps them align. Start the music and let it surround your Mookaite. Visualize the notes shaking up the negativity within the crystal and carrying away the unwanted energies. Focus on each piece for about 10 mins, or until you feel the energies shift and become lighter.

Method 3: Cleanse your Mookaite with your breath

Breath cleansing is a powerful tool to connect with your Mookaite and use your own energies to help cleanse it of any stuck energies it may be holding onto.

Using your own energy for a crystal cleansing can be tiring, and you must remain mindful of your energy level. Take breaks when you need it, so your vibrations stay high; you don’t want to pass on tired and worn-out energies during a cleansing.

To start, hold your Mookaite in your hand and close your eyes. Set your intentions, and take a long, deep inhale and then, through pursed lips, blow directly at the Mookaite in your hand with a steady exhale.

While doing this, visualize your breath breaking free of the stuck energies and blowing them away. Repeat this for three rounds of breath, or until you feel the shift in energies, this will be sensed intuitively.

How to charge your Mookaite crystal?

Mookaite is an earth stone and is recharged beautifully by being buried in the soil. You can use a spot in your garden or a pot of soil.

Set your intentions and bury your Mookaite for 12 hours. Tapping into the earth’s energy to charge your Mookaite will help direct its strong vibrations in the direction you want.

How often do I need to cleanse Mookaite?

Creating a monthly cleansing routine for your Mookaite is perfect. Regular cleansing will help to keep your crystal’s energies balanced and in their purest form.


Mookaite carries an invigorating vibration of strength and vitality that needs some tender love and care from you regularly to stay pure and to rid it of negative energies it may have picked up.

I hope this article has helped you in your journey with crystals and how to cleanse them using simple methods.