How to Cleanse Moss Agate: 3 Simple Methods


I’m Natalie Black, author of Crystador. I write about spirituality, personal growth, and healing.

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, I hope my writing will inspire and guide you along the way.

Moss Agate is a stunning crystal and will bring stabilizing, peaceful energies to your life.

Learning to cleanse your Moss Agate is crucial to keeping its radiant energies high and working for you. Cleansing may seem advanced or daunting if you are new to the crystal world. It’s not, but it is important that you learn to cleanse. This article will walk you through three simple and powerful cleansing methods you can use to keep your Moss Agates vibrations balanced and pure.

3 Simple methods to cleanse Moss Agate

Cleansing crystals is not a complicated process, and there isn’t a very steep learning curve. Keeping your routine simple will help to bring positive energy to your cleansing and make your practice uplifting and empowering. These methods will help you do just that.

The three simple methods to cleanse your Moss Agate are:

  • Brown rice
  • Natural light
  • Selenite

Let’s look at each one and how to perform the cleansing so you can get started cleansing your Moss Agate today.

Method 1: Cleanse your Moss Agate using brown rice

Brown rice is a long-used cleansing method in Eastern cultures. It carries energies from both the sun and the moon, bringing balance to whatever it is cleansing. This is perfect for cleansing your Moss Agate, and using brown rice to cleanse couldn’t be easier.

You will need a large container with a lid, uncooked brown rice, and a safe place to put the container for 12 hours.

Start with filling up the container with the brown rice and burying your Moss Agate the best you can. State your intentions for the cleansing, cover, and move to a spot the container won’t be disturbed. Leave it for 12 hours at least. If you feel your crystal needs longer, leave it for as long as needed.

When done cleansing your Moss Agate, discard the brown rice and enjoy your freshly balanced crystal.

Method 2: Cleanse your Moss Agate with natural light

Using natural light to cleanse your Moss Agate is so simple. All you need is a windowsill or a safe spot outside for your Moss Agate. You can use either the light of the moon or the rays of the sun. Both are excellent for cleansing.

If you choose to cleanse your Moss Agate in the sunlight, try to use the morning sun. It’s less harsh and won’t damage your crystal. Find a sunny spot outside for your crystal or a sunny windowsill, set your intentions and place your Moss Agate in the cleansing sun rays for 4 hours.

Moonlight is a softer light but is still very powerful for cleansing. It is ideal to use the light of a full moon. Again, find a spot outside, or you can use the windowsill to place your crystal. Set your intentions and leave your Moss Agate to bathe in the moonlight overnight.

Method 3: Cleanse your Moss Agate with Selenite

Cleansing your Moss Agate with Selenite could not be more simple. You will need a piece of Selenite that is bigger than your Moss Agate. Selenite bowls and plates are perfect for cleansing since they are a good size, and they allow for maximum contact between the two crystals.

Place your Moss Agate on the Selenite, set your intentions, and place in an area that it won’t be disturbed for 24 hours, and that’s it, very easy. Of course, if you feel your Moss Agate has a lot of stuck negative energy and 24 hours isn’t enough, you can leave it on the Selenite until you feel your crystal is thoroughly cleansed and back to its base frequency.

After the cleansing, you don’t have to worry about the Selenite; it will cleanse itself. It has such a powerful vibration that it doesn’t need any help to cleanse itself.

How to charge Moss Agate

Moss Agate loves to be surrounded by nature and greenery. If you have a house plant, you can place your crystal in the soil and leave it for 24 hours to charge surrounded by plants and soil. Don’t forget to set your intentions to let the Moss Agate know what you need from it.

How often should you cleanse Moss Agate?

Cleansing your Moss Agate once a month is ideal, and this will keep the energies of your crystals bright and vibrating in their purest form.


In order to keep Moss Agates calm and soothing vibrations running smoothly for you, it is important to maintain a regular cleansing schedule. Keeping it simple with one of the simple cleansing methods listed above will make for an uplifting cleansing ceremony.

I hope you enjoyed this article and have learned that cleansing your crystals doesn’t have to be complex. Thank you for reading, and I wish you well in your healing crystal journey.

If you’re looking to learn more about cleansing crystals, check out our guide on how to cleanse crystals.